Bonus Episode - October 2021 - Veronik entrevista

In this bonus episode, October 2021 interview Guest Veronik answers Rick Reid's questions in Spanish. Veronik is the producer and host of Magica Escuela de Theremin, a series of short, Spanish-language instructional videos for people who would like to learn how to play the theremin. Listen to the regular October 2021 episode to hear the full show and interview in English.

▶️ Listen to this episode on Spotify.





Copyright 2021 Rick Reid 



Tenga en cuenta que esta transcripción se generó con IA de texto a voz. Puede contener varios errores de ortografía y puntuación y otras inexactitudes hasta que tengamos tiempo de hacer correcciones manuales.

David Brower 00:02

This is Theremin 30, thirty minutes of theremin music, news, events, and interviews, with a new episode about every 30 days. Now, here is your host from Denver, Colorado, USA, Rick Reid.

Rick Reid 00:20

Hey, there! This is Rick Reid with a bonus episode of the Theremin 30 podcast. Since my October 2021 guest Veronik talked about her Spanish-language theremin lesson videos on YouTube, I thought Spanish-speaking listeners would enjoy hearing some of her answers in Spanish. I only know a few words in Spanish, myself, so I didn’t shorten her responses like I normally would because I don’t entirely know what she is saying. I hope you enjoy esta entrevista. Veronik, thank you for being on Theremin 30.

Veronik 00:54

Hi Rick. Thank you for inviting me.

Rick Reid 00:57

I invited you on this show because I wanted to find out your history with the theremin, first of all. How did you get involved with the theremin?

Veronik 01:05

inicios con el tenim. Yo ya tenía tiempo tocando porque yo empecé a tocar cuando era muy chica.

La de los once y doce años. Yo y había escuchado mucha música clásica cuando era pequeñita, pero los once empecé a tocar la flauta. La flauta fue realmente mi primer instrumento y en esa época yo vivía en Francia, en París. Toda mi adolescencia la pasé haya. Entonces me puse a estudiar flauta primero dulce, luego flauta, atraverse del Conservatorio y me gustaba mucho esto de estudiar música hasta que me aburrí.

y me aburrí de la presión del Conservatorio y aprendí y descubrí el rock. Y entonces empecé a buscar más cosas sobre el rock y mi sueño de repente se convirtió en tener mi banda de rock y tocar la guitarra eléctrica y lo logré hacerles. Tiene los dieciocho años. Me convertí en cantautora y componía mis canciones y cantaba y tocaba la guitarra y estaba por producir mi primer disco solista.

Cuando conocí el theremin por casualidad, Cuando llegó a mí. El la película del documental es para mí de electrónico, dice Termin una noticia electrónica de Steve Martin. y la película era increíble y lo primero que pude ver fue Clara rock humor tocando el theremin. Y es esto me me pareció tan increíble que comprendí como se tocaba.

El tiene mi Hasta entonces sólo lo conocía por el sonido que era este cliché de instrumento terrorífico. y solo o después de ver la película entendí que era un verdadero instrumento electrónico y dije Simplemente necesito esto en mi vida. Yo voy a aprender a tocarlo. Así que necesito esto ya. Y en una semana investigue todo lo que pude.

Me pedí mi primer Tenim por IBI un Edelweiss estándar. y empecé a tomar mi lecciones con un Thomas Grillo y sus vídeos en Youtube y y era en tiempos de Máis Peyser en otras épocas. Pero así empecé. Era mucho más difícil de lo que parecía. Todo se movía. Todas las notas se movían y bueno, qué bueno. Al cabo de un mes, como los músicos ya me conocían en el medio, me llegó mi primer trabajo en mi primer reto.

como Tele ministra, que fue grabar unos arreglos de Theremin para el disco de unos amigos, Los protones, que era una barca, una banda de soul folk. me fui al estudio a grabar y esos fueron mis primeros inicios como como termin istas. Y así fue como empecé y hasta el día de hoy sigo tocando.

Rick Reid 03:48

The next thing I wanted to ask you about is your current project that I think is really fun. You're doing a series of lesson videos on YouTube in Spanish, and I think it's called something like Magica Theremin Escuela, which I think means “Magic Theremin School”?

Veronik 04:08

mi proyecto, la mágica escuela determinen en empieza en con unas ganas de difundir el tee mi mi idioma es español porque bueno, yo ya tengo mucho tiempo con el instrumento tocando, trabajando y también enseñando a principiantes y la experiencia que tengo es que hay mucho contenido sobre el theremin y algunos contenidos son muy buenos, pero hay muy poco en español.

y lo que yo tengo ganas de hacer es dar a conocer instrumento y en en toda su dimensión, no sólo como un generador de efectos o de una manera muy limitada. Quiero destruir un poco los clichés y dar a conocer un instrumento que puede ser muy versátil. pero para eso creo que hay que explicárselo a la gente que recién empieza y también a la gente que no conoces de mí.

Para que cunda la información correcta, sepa que existe y pueda intentar acercarse más a este universo, ya sea para aprender a tocarlo. o para enterarse de que este instrumento existe y todas las cosas que se pueden hacer. Entonces yo creo que estos contenidos tienen la idea de educar Por un lado a un público que puede no saber nada, ayudar a los principiantes o a los curiosos que están con la duda de si tocar un empezar a aprender o eh.

Qué instrumento comprar fuera empezar con el theremin. La idea es compartir la información, guiar a las personas entre tenerlas, que el contenido sea divertido, que sea ágil, que no sea demasiado largo. Por eso trato de hacer lecciones, pero también de hacer vídeos sobre temas específicos que puedan ser necesarios.

Para informar mejor a las personas alrededor del instrumento y crear un universo y una plataforma de intercambio. lo de la escuela En realidad no es no es una escuela, es una plataforma, pero como yo también doy clases, es un poco en un hombre que nos nos ayuda a un montón de cosas y sobre todo quería que el nombre fuera fácil de recordar y que tuviera algún poco roquero.

Y por eso se llama mágica Escuela de Theremin porque Al inicio en fue inspirado por El, nombre del Magic ado Ministro Eidur, el disco de los Beatles y de hecho me me gusto el del nombre como suena rítmicamente, entonces es un proyecto que a mi me gusta bastante porque me permite compartir el conocimiento que ya tengo y todo y compartir lo que ya se, pero también me emociona el descubrir y aprender nuevas cosas.

Mientras las comparto con un público que también se interesa por el término. Es una forma de crear comunidad y seguir con un trabajo que ya ha estado haciendo gente como al mes Paz en Chile con el festival Electromagnética y son proyectos que buscan generar un plataforma y un espacio de aprendizaje e intercambio alrededor de un instrumento que nos apasiona.

Ese es el proyecto de la mágica Escuela de Theremin y de verdad es…

Rick Reid 08:03

You have a new single out where you are the guest artist on someone else's recording. The track is called Ballena, which I learned means “Whale.” Tell me about “Whale.”

Veronik 08:13

Éste Tras Ballena el es una colaboración entre un amigo de años, Oliver Castillo, que es un gran bajista que el año pasado sacó su primer disco como solista y su Su disco fue una fue diseñado como un laboratorio en donde cada cáncer Sony va a ser construida en conjunto con un invitado como músico invitado.

Entonces esa combinación era como un laboratorio donde cada canción iba a ser construida de esta manera y dándole un sonido bien especial a cada tema. Me pareció para Carmen gusto el primer disco y inició este año en enero. Oliver me llama para preguntarme si quería participar. Para el segundo volumen de su segundo disco como solista con esta misma este mismo sistema de laboratorio.

Entonces demandó dos ideas y escogí esta que me que me pareció que tenía algo acuatico que me gustaba. Me sugirió explorar Por el lado del Tel y de la voz. Con este sonido que tiene un poco que ver con una Parece entre una ballena y una sirena y me gustó, me gustó. Hay una parte que no sabíamos mucho que cosa meterle y se le ocurre hacer las voces y le dio un acosada bacana el tema y de hecho me gustó mucho crear algo nuevo técnicamente que no hubiera hecho antes.

Y a sugerencia del propio Oliver que me pese al explorar con uno que llamáis les Flight de la muerte, que es cuando usas todo el registro del, temen que quiero un registro muy amplio desde lo más Agudo moverte hacia la parte más grave del registro super rápido, no cosas que solo instrumento puede hacer.

Y me gustó hacer ese tipo de cosas en este tras emm que debió haber salido a inicios de la de de este año, pero por la situación de la pandemia realmente se retrasó muchos más. El ingeniero de sonido que estaba trabajando con nosotros en falleció a causa del virus. Fueron tiempos muy duros. Él era muy amigo de Oliver.

Yo también lo conocía. Entonces realmente ha sido un trayecto muy accidentado. Encierro momentos muy duros, pero al final ya sacamos el tema y nos gusta como ha quedado. y de hecho también es un pedazo de historia que que nos acompaña, no, que nos ha tocado vivir

Rick Reid 10:46

You are working on a new album. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Veronik 10:50

A ver, estoy trabajan donde o algo Como cantautores. Se puede seguir más que nada un álbum de rock con canciones donde va a verter Emmy, pero como un instrumento ya no protagónico. no como parte de mi paleta de sonidos. Es un álbum conceptual porque habla de las relaciones tóxicas. Esta va a ser la temática y tenía muchas canciones que hablaban sobre ese tema.

En cada canción tiene su personalidad, su, su sonido y también hay, si bien la mayorías, un sonido eléctrico de roquero. Hay también temas acústicos. y el theremin va a estar presente de todas maneras porque es parte de mi, de mi sonido, de mi, de mi y marca registrada. Y luego tengo otro. Este sería mi tercer disco como solista, pero tengo otro proyecto de disco para después que ese si va a hacer un disco de The Enemy porque tengo cosas que hacer todavía con instrumento que no ha hecho antes.

De repente voy a lucirme más en aspectos técnicos, pero ya no va a ser un disco como anómala, que fue un disco de rock progresivo experimental para el theremin como instrumento protagoniza, pero me gusta que cada disco sea diferente. Entonces ahora tengo que tengo una deuda con las canciones y con la guitarra.

Entonces me voy a dedicar a este disco. y es un poco difícil. Es un reto para mí porque no tengo tiempo para tocar la guitarra. Siempre estoy tocando el theremin y dando clases de theremin. Entonces necesito hacer este disco. para empezar a trabajar en el otro. Asi que ya tengo en tengo trabajo para ir a ver una reedición del disco anómala para fines de año con un sello europeo.

Y estos son los planes de este año. Hace lo

Rick Reid 12:43

Veronik, it's been so much fun visiting with you today. Thank you for being on Theremin 30.

Veronik 12:48

Thank you, Rick.  

Muchas gracias por invitarme. Estuvo super divertido de la entrevista es pero al no haber fallado con el inglés y no hagamos QUE pronto de visita en el canal de la mágica escuela decir y nos vemos muy pronto.

Rick Reid 13:03

Gracias to Veronica for answering my questions in two languages this month. To hear an edited version of our conversation in English, be sure to listen to this month's regular episode of the Theremin 30 podcast. Until next time I'm your host, Rick Reid. Hasta la vista.

David Brower 13:21

You’ve been listening to the Theremin 30 podcast. Visit Theremin 30 on the web at

October 2021 - Veronik


In the October 2021 episode of the Theremin 30 podcast, host Rick Reid plays music from the USA, Canada, and Peru. Rick's interview guest is Veronik, host and producer of Magica Escuela de Theremin on YouTube. 

▶️ Listen to this episode on Spotify.


*The full-length recordings featured in this show were used with the knowledge and permission of the artists and composers. Please support the artists by visiting their websites, purchasing their recordings, and attending their performances. 







Copyright 2021 Rick Reid 



David Brower  0:04  
This is Theremin 30, thirty minutes of theremin music, news, events, and interviews, with a new episode about every 30 days. Now here's your host from Denver, Colorado, USA, Rick Reid.

Rick Reid  0:19  
Hey there, welcome to the 29th episode of the Theremin 30 podcast. If you're new to this show, I hope you'll go back and listen to the previous episodes to hear interviews and music from all over the theremin world. This month I've got four new music tracks to play for you. And my special guest is Veronik, a singer songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Peru. She recently launched a series of Spanish language shortform theremin lessons on YouTube. Now let's get this show on the road with music from Portland, Maine band Supernormal. Here is an edit of a track they released in 2020 called "The Meanderer." 

Rick Reid  9:25  
We started the show with the psychedelic stylings of Supernormal featuring Eric Eaton on theremin. That track is called "The Meanderer," and it's available on the band's 2020 maxi-single release Short Wave. After that we heard it "Just Yesterday" recorded just last month by Bay area artist Anna Glyph. There is a very cool stop-motion video for "Just Yesterday" on the Theremin 30 YouTube playlist. To learn more about Supernormal and Anna Glyph click on their names in this month's show notes at Coming up after the break, I'll take a look at the calendar of events and play a new single from Canadian singing scientist, Dr. G. So stick around.

Rick Reid  10:16  
It's time now for the Theremin 30 calendar. Look at theremin-related concerts, workshops, and other events happening around the world in the weeks ahead. On October 21st, Bob Moog will be posthumously inducted into the North Carolina Music Hall of Fame. Also on the 21st, Rob Schwimmer will perform in the backing band of The Beatles-themed modern dance show Pepperland in Tucson, Arizona. The Octopus Project takes the stage in Austin, Texas on October 28th, and Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel will perform in Atlanta, Georgia on October 30. For details about these events and more, check out the interactive calendar on If you have an event you'd like me to put on the calendar, send me the details through the website, Twitter, or Facebook. Nova Scotia-based recording artist Dr. G turns scientific concepts into catchy pop tunes for kids. His latest single is for the youngest of kids. Here's his new lullaby called "Matter."

Rick Reid  15:11  
That was Dr. G's new song called "Matter." It's part of Physics, a five-track EP available now on Bandcamp. Coming up after the break, I'll visit with Veronik. So stay tuned.

Rick Reid  15:35  
Veronik is a recording artists based in Lima, Peru. We've featured music from her solo work and from her Cosmic Cafe project in past episodes. I spoke with Veronik recently to learn about her new theremin lesson videos on YouTube and her latest recording. Veronik, thank you for being on Theremin 30.

Veronik  15:52  
Hi, Rick, thank you for inviting me.

Rick Reid  15:55  
You were one of the very first musicians to offer your music to play in the show two years ago when I first started this podcast, so I really appreciate the support you gave me. 

Veronik  16:05  
Oh, yeah, I remember that.

Rick Reid  16:07  
And I love your music. I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing it right - Anomala? 

Veronik  16:11  

Rick Reid  16:11  
Anomala album is really cool. And I enjoy listening to that. 

Veronik  16:15  
Thank you. 

Rick Reid  16:16  
I invited you on this show because I wanted to find out your history with the theorem. And first of all, how did you get involved with the Theremin?

Veronik  16:24  
I discovered music when I was a child. And I used to listen to a lot of classical music, you know, and I first begin playing music with the flute when I was 11-12 year old and I became very passionate about music. And then I got bored because I went for two years in conservatory, Conservatoire Maurice Ravel. I used to live in France during my teenage years. And then I found conservatory very boring. And I discovered rock and roll music. And that was a whole new thing for me. And my dream was founding my own band. You know, that was my dream. And I did it finally when I was 18 and back to Peru. So I began making music, writing my own songs, performing with my own band. And when I was about 10 years doing this, I discovered the theremin and that was a whole new thing for me. I just came across that documentary Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey from Steve Martin. And what a wonderful movie. You know, it's so emotional. The whole thing is amazing, but I never saw a theremin before. I already knew about the sound, you know, that spooky creepy sound. And that was a like a cliche. You know that theremin sound. And that spooky thing, that crazy sound effect, but I didn't know that it was actually a real music instrument. And when I saw Clara rockmore performing on the movie, I was like, Oh my god, I need this in my life just right now. I want it now and I'm gonna learn how to perform it. And I don't know how but I will do this. And I want this now. And then about one week finding out anything I could about the theremin and taking my first lessons with Thomas Grillo YouTube series, we're talking about 2008. My first theremin was an Etherwave Standard. I ordered it via eBay. I started doing what I could and learning bit by bit. It wasn't easy at all. It was nearly impossible to perform properly a song but it was cool for doing effects and stuff. So by this time, I was working on my first solo album and people already knew me so I got very soon my first job as a theremin player. I was about like a month playing around with my theremin and stuff but I was asked to record some theremin lines for a surf rock band. Were friends of mine and that was my beginning as a theremin player.

Rick Reid  19:19  
The next thing I wanted to ask you about is your current project that I think is really fun. You're doing a series of lesson videos on YouTube.

Veronik  19:27  
Yeah, Magica Escuela de Theremin, Magic Theremin School and the name was very influenced by the Magical Mystery Tour. The Beatles. That name you know. I'm a rock and roll performer so that's rock part was quite important to me. It's a project that looks for making the theremin known as music instrument in Spanish of course because I'm Peruvian and I speak Spanish mostly, also French is my main language. I came across many theremin content, but not many things in Spanish spoken, you know. And I tried to do something about teaching people and not only theremin geeks, but also people who could be interested by the theremin, if you tell what's this thing about and what you can do with the thermin. I really find it's a very, very versatile instrument. But we need to forget those theremin cliches about spooky things about effect sounds and that sort of thing. Really it's, it's a whole universe that we can rediscover and build. So that's my intention. Also, my interest is about building a network between people interested and theremin players that we don't know yet because of the language issue. Also, my mission is to make it fun in some way, not very complicated stuff to understand, and I want it to be easy for anyone.

Rick Reid  20:09  
I like how the videos are poquito.

Veronik  21:15  
It's important to make them short, so you can make sure people are gonna watch the most part of the content. This is my intention to do short videos, and explain some basic tips to understand theremin psychology, you know. That's a very special instrument because it's similar to violin, but at the same time, it's similar to a voice, but it's electronic. But it's not a synth. It's a weird animal. You know, theremin. It's a very organic instrument. There is no one way of playing it. You can build your own playing technique by learning lots of different styles, approaches. So that makes it very, very interesting.

Rick Reid  22:08  
You have a new single out or you're the guest artist on someone else's recording. The track is called by "Ballena," which I learned means "whale." Tell me about "Whale."

Veronik  22:17  
That's a nice project. Oliver Castillo is a wonderful bass player, longtime friend, and he asked me to participate in his new solo album. He decided to design his album project as laboratory with other artists, friends who would build up each song along with him, like a laboratory project, in which collaboration would be the main ingredient to build up new sounds and each tune personality. He sent me two ideas, and I chose this one who had this aquatic sound. And I feel like a whale or something to do like in this way with my theremin, of course. And I wanted to try something with my voice, too. Unfortunately, it was a mess with the pandemic, and actually the sound engineer who passed away with the virus and it was really, really a very hard moment. It was a hard journey, actually. But maybe we take it as like a part of history. We finally got it done, and we liked the result. But there were some hard times, too.

Rick Reid  23:38  
You are working on a new album. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Veronik  23:42  
I have actually two album projects. The first one is a rock album. That's my third solo album. It's a bunch of love songs, let's say. An album about being immersed in toxic relationships in several aspects. The theremin is not the protagonist in this album. I'm really also working on theremin stuff. And my next project is another theremin album. But that new album I'm working on now is a rock album. And the theremin maybe fits on some of the tracks but not in every song because I feel that each song has his own sound, his own personality. And I'm trying to get back to the guitar playing but it's very hard to me because I actually work daily with my theremin because I'm doing lessons and stuff. So making this album for me it's like a challenge to do stuff with my voice, with guitar, and also with theremin and work on music production again. But I know I can do it. So the album should be released maybe the next year. Also we have another reissue of Anomala this year. So that's my, my main projects.

Rick Reid  25:09  
Veronik, it's been so much fun visiting with you today. Thank you for being on Theremin 30.

Veronik  25:14  
Oh, thank you, Rick. It's been a pleasure for me.

Rick Reid  25:18  
Let's finish the show now with new music from Veronica. She's a featured thereminist and vocalist on this new track from Oliver Castillo called "Ballena."

Rick Reid  29:20  
We're running out of time for this 30 minutes of theremin music. So I will quickly thank Supernormal, Anna Glyph, Dr. G, and Veronik for sharing their talents with us. And thank you for the listeners who make small monthly donations to support this show. Every little bit helps. I've already got some interesting theremin music and interview guests lined up for the next episode. So subscribe to the show in your favorite podcast app. Until next time, I'm your host, Rick Reid. See you again soon.

David Brower  29:49  
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