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Send a tip via Venmo to @Theremin30
Rick's short-term goal is to break even. His long-term goal is to make Theremin 30 a thriving micro-business that will at least financially justify Rick's long hours to keep the show going. If the show ever becomes profitable, Rick intends to create a way to share some revenue with the recording artists who allow him to play their music.
Here are some ways you can support Theremin 30 and help keep it going:
- Send a one-time gift to Rick via Paypal. Even $5 would make an impact.
- Send a one-time gift via Venmo to @Theremin30 in the Venmo app.
- Buy Theremin 30 logo apparel and gift items from the Merch Store. A portion of each sale supports the podcast, and you get cool stuff that will help promote the show.
- Buy theremin accessories from the Pro Shop. A portion of each sale supports the podcast, and you get great audio gear at competitive prices from a trusted online retailer.
- Shop with the affiliate programs and advertisers in the banners at the top and bottom of every web page.
- Become a sponsor. Promote your album, concert, product, or workshop. Advertising on the Theremin 30 website is an effective way to reach theremin enthusiasts across the USA and around the world.