Theremin 30 is the only regularly scheduled, English-language podcast focused exclusively on theremin music, theremin players, fans, and instruments. Do you have a theremin-related event, product, or service you would like to promote by advertising either in the Theremin 30 podcast or on the website?  Please contact Rick Reid through the message form near the lower right corner of this page or by email at

Audience Information

The Theremin 30 podcast has a relatively small but dedicated following. The website averages 3433* page views per month. Total podcast streams average 283* per month. The Theremin 30 page on Facebook has 720 likes. The Theremin 30 Podcast Fanclub group on Facebook has 222 members.

Since its premiere in 2019, the podcast has been streamed by listeners in 78 countries. About 49% of total streams have been in the USA, followed by the United Kingdom (10%), Canada (9%), 
Japan (6%), Germany (4%), the Netherlands (3%), Australia (2%), and France (2%).

Opportunities and Rates (All rates effective January 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023, and are subject to incremental increases as the audience grows.)

2023 RATES

Indicated rates below already reflect the discounts.


The website has two banner ads on each page: one above the article headline and one below the end of the article. The two banners rotate among current advertisers, with any unsold space used by affiliate programs and PSAs. As a free bonus, each advertiser also gets a link on an alphabetical text list of advertisers that appears in the right sidebar. The two banners are independent, so if you buy ad space on both the top and bottom banners, your ad may occasionally appear on both banners at the same time.

Top Banner 728×90
You can place your ad in the top banner position. Rates are based on the percentage of total ads served. The top banner position will be immediately visible to visitors on all pages.

10% = $1.75 USD per month 
(about $5.10 CPM*)
20% = $3.50 USD per month (about $5.10 CPM*)
30% = $5.25  USD per month (about $5.10 CPM*)
40% = $7.00 USD per month (about $5.10 CPM*)
50% = $8.75 USD per month (about $5.10 CPM*)

For the top banner position, the maximum available percentage of all advertisers combined is 50%. The remaining 50% is reserved for premier sponsorships, affiliate programs, promotions, and PSAs. 

You are welcome and encouraged to design the ad yourself, or Rick can create the ad for you for a flat rate of $5.00 each. 

Ads are served using a random sequence algorithm. The exposure percentages are based on an average probability of the randomized outcomes. Actual exposures may deviate slightly from the average.

Please note, due to the limits of the technology involved, Rick can't provide an exact report of when and how often your banner has appeared, but he can provide a rough estimate of the total times it was served in a given month.  

Right Column 250
×250 Square
You can place your ad in the right column position. Rates are based on the percentage of total ads served. This banner position will be visible to visitors on all pages, with exposure nearly equal to the top banner.

10% = $1.50 USD per month 
(about $4.37 CPM*)
20% = $3.00 USD per month (about $4.37 CPM*)
30% = $4.50 USD per month (about $4.37 CPM*)
40% = $6.00 USD per month (about $4.37 CPM*)
50% = $7.50 USD per month (about $4.37 CPM*)

For the right column square position, the maximum available percentage of all advertisers combined is 50%. The remaining 50% is reserved for premier sponsorships, affiliate programs, promotions, and PSAs. 

You are welcome and encouraged to design the ad yourself, or Rick can create the ad for you for a flat rate of $5.00 each. 

Ads are served using a random sequence algorithm. The exposure percentages are based on an average probability of the randomized outcomes. Actual exposures may deviate slightly from the average.

Please note, due to the limits of the technology involved, Rick can't provide an exact report of when and how often your banner has appeared, but he can provide a rough estimate of the total times it was served in a given month.  

Bottom Banner 728×90
You can place your ad in the bottom banner position. Rates are based on the percentage of total ads served. Ads in this banner position will likely be seen less often because not all visitors will scroll to the bottom of every page. For best exposure, choose a top banner or right column square ad. An ad in this position is good to run in conjunction with placements in the other positions for a greater likelihood of repeated exposure.

10% = $1.00 USD per month (about $2.92 CPM*)
20% = $2.00 USD per month (about $2.92 CPM*)
30% = $3.00 USD per month (about $2.92 CPM*)
40% = $4.00 USD per month (about $2.92 CPM*)
50% = $5.00 USD per month (about $2.92 CPM*)

For the bottom banner position, the maximum available percentage of all advertisers combined is 50%. The remaining 50% is reserved for premier sponsorships, affiliate programs, promotions, and PSAs. 

You are welcome and encouraged to design the ad yourself, or Rick can create the ad for you for a flat rate of $5.00 each. 

Please note, due to the limits of the technology involved, Rick can't provide an exact report of when and how often your banner has appeared, but he can provide a rough estimate of the total times it was served in a given month.  


You can have a produced audio commercial play during the Theremin 30 podcast. A maximum of four commercials per episode is available for purchase from all sponsors. Your commercial will play ROS during a mid-roll break in the three most recent episodes. If a new episode is published during your flight, your commercial will shift forward to the three most recent episodes. Each sponsor will also get a link on the website in a text list of sponsors in the right sidebar on every page.

30-seconds = $10.00 USD per month (about $35.34 CPM*)

You are welcome and encouraged to write and produce the commercial yourself, or Rick can produce the commercial for you for a flat rate of $8.00 each. Because the podcast is in English and about two-thirds of the listeners are in predominantly English-speaking countries, it is highly recommended that commercials be written and recorded in English only. 


Premier Sponsorship

We are redesigning our Premiere Sponsorship package.  Check back soon for details, or contact us to discuss a custom plan.

Please note: 

Normally, ads can be scheduled to begin on the first day of a calendar month and end on the last day of a calendar month.  Flight dates are based on the USA Mountain time zone. Ad placement is performed manually at a convenient time, so most ads may get an additional partial day of exposure either before or after the scheduled dates at no additional cost.

Ad schedules of less than one month are available but are charged at the same rate as a full month.

All advertising is sold on a space-available basis. Payment is due in advance before an ad will be placed. 
We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we deem to be too far off-topic or otherwise inappropriate for our show content or our audience. No refunds will be given for any ad campaigns after they have begun their scheduled flight.

Published rates will increase incrementally as the audience grows.

Affiliate Advertising

Limited opportunities are available for affiliate advertising. There is no up-front fee to advertise, but a commission is due for each generated sale. Please inquire.


*All streams, page views, and CPM estimates above are approximate and based on available statistics from February 17, 2021 through May 17, 2021. The total number of exposures your ad receives is not guaranteed.